Sunday, February 24, 2008

Attainment of a Goal

February 24, 2008 12:03am. I submitted my final research paper this evening, took my final exam, posted my last entry to a classroom discussion board. With that, I have officially completed my Master's Program. I feel very unsettled at this point. I began my quest for this degree in September 2003, and there have been several bumps along the way. I was new in my career at work, and demands from traveling, keeping up with my audits, and of course, trying to fit in a personal life took its toll. But here I am, 4 years and 5 months later, officially finished. I've had this as part of my life for so long, always a paper, or a discussion, or chapters to read. I'm not quite sure how I will move forward at this point, but I am looking forward to it. Knowing me, I will continue to over-schedule myself, but at least I have one more item checked off my life goal list.

I am looking forward to "living" a bit more, because, as my friend Jim so eloquently stated when he and his wife were heading out to a bar to watch live music while I was buried in a textbook, 3 chapters behind with two papers due, "A laptop isn't really living." No, it isn't. But getting this degree is important to me, and it was certainly worth the struggle over the past 4 years. So now, with this safely attained, I can start going out more and experiencing life beyond my laptop. I'm looking forward to the new challenge.


Anonymous said...

Kudos Amber! What a great achievement!

Deb&Jeff said...

Congrulations, Amber. Uncle Jeff and I are so proud you you. We wish you all the best. Relax a little and have some fun! You deserve it.